EVE Online Set to Launch in Japan on March 28

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CCP Games
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EVE Online Set to Launch in Japan on March 28

By: Jasmine Henry | Mar 2nd 2012
Keen to monopolize on the success of their hugely successful sci-fi MMO, EVE Online, Icelandic game developer CCP have announced that they will attempt to cut themselves a piece of the Japan games industry pie by releasing it to their market later this month.

Thankfully, for the less linguistically inclined, CCP have teamed up with the Asia-based Nexon Co. (responsible for MapleStory) to ensure that Japanese players will be able to play the game in their native tongue, when they join over 400,000 other EVE Online players in space battle amongst the stars, the planets and the rest of the cosmos when the game goes live on March 28.

Seung-Woo Choi, CEO of Nexon says that "[They're] confident that the Japanese version will attract legions of new players ready to take their part in the endlessly unfolding drama of the EVE universe."

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