Combat MMO Pit of War Gains Host of New Features

Combat MMO Pit of War Gains Host of New Features

By: Jasmine Henry | Mar 12th 2012
If there's one thing that every developer should get right when it comes to video game improvements, it's the willingness to listen to the community of dedicated players who love their game.

Indie darling, Outcast Games knows this and have elected to adding an entire range of new features to their browser based, free to play, gladiatorial combat MMO, Pit of War (phew!)

Membership options have been inputted to allow your character to level up faster in the game, these include :

· Double your Arena Tokens by enrolling in The Blood Academy!
· Double your Training Points by joining Skull's Gym!
· Increase your max energy to 100 at Fat Louie's Chop Shop!
· Earn more gold by becoming a member of the Merchant's Guild!

The Pit of War developer have also increased the arena token cap, as per users' requests, to account for the times when you can't log in every day to send your warrior to the Arena, in situations where 'the real world calls'.

Other arena related improvements include new Tavern quest rewards, resulting in more Arena tokens as well as the sliding scale of trophy cost (when you've run out of Arena Tokens) being removed in favour of a '1 trophy per Arena battle' system.

Outcast Games have also added an 'auto-repair' system for your gladiators to repair both themselves and their armour automatically, plus a lower cost of gladiator achievements and a tweak of the balancing system to ensure that all battles are conducted more fairly.

Click here to visit the official Pit of War website.

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