EVE Online Cans British Subscriber's Currency Conversions on May 1st

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EVE Online Cans British Subscriber's Currency Conversions on May 1st

By: Jeff Davis | Mar 23rd 2012
After years of subscription duties tied based on a single European currency, British MMO players will have an entirely new one that makes perfect pence.

That's because currency conversion for EVE Online's UK Subscribers are officially dead.



CCP Games announced Friday that, beginning May 1st, UK players will be able to pay for their subscriptions in pounds sterling, resulting in an estimated 20% price reduction versus the current rate. This introduction, announced during the EVE Online Keynote during EVE Fanfest 2012, aims to accommodate requests by the UK community to pay in native currency (rather than in Euros, as it was before). The regularly monthly subscription fee will now stand at £9.99 for UK players.

"UK players have been an important part of the EVE community from the very beginning," Jon Lander, senior producer for EVE Online, said during the anouncement speech. UK players, Lander notes, have been "organizing some of the very first player meets, ... at the forefront of EVE’s PvP alliances and {have been) expanding the EVE experience with such creations as the epic 'Clear Skies' movies. The enthusiasm and creativity of these players has only underlined the importance of the UK market as we enter a very exciting time for the EVE Universe."

With more than 400,000 global subscribers, EVE is the only MMO to have grown every year in the past eight years since its launch. CCP continues to provide support for the EVE community and this UK price reduction is just one example of their ongoing development within the EVE Online universe and outside the client itself.

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