FFXIV Gets FFXI Jobs -- and There Was Much Rejoicing

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Final Fantasy XIV

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FFXIV Gets FFXI Jobs -- and There Was Much Rejoicing

By: Jeff Davis | Apr 9th 2012
Fans of Final Fantasy XIV -- and the large community of disappointed gamers who very badly want to be -- have received some good news as Square Enix announced in its monthly newsletter that the newest MMO based on and part of the Final Fantasy series would be getting FFXI-style jobs.

Back in 2005 when Square Enix, fresh on the success of their MMORPG Final Fantasy XI, began to discuss their next MMORPG project -- Final Fantasy XIV -- there was considerable excitement among the online gaming community. When FFXI first launched and as it developed it became one of the gold standards for judging both MMO success and how to successfully launch game expansions. While it was plagued by problems that were largely created by third-party commercial operations that sold in-game money and items for real-world money, it is still one of the most popular MMO's of the 00's.

Word that a new game was on the way was initially greeted with enthusiasm by fans, but when Square Enix opted to launch the game in full beta mode with the idea of continuing to develop it while gamers played, it turned out to be a recipe for disaster that saw its popularity crash, and eventually lead to the dismissal of the entire creative team behind its development. After being replaced with a new development team that turned to the players for guidance on what needed to be done to make the game better, FFXIV slowly but with building momentum turned the situation around.

News that the most recent game patch -- Patch 1.21 -- incorporates FFXI jobs into the game has been met with the sort of enthusiasm and chatter rare for the game, and speculation that it is one more example of how the new development team listens to the gamers who play the game.

The new jobs actually connect with the original jobs that were created for the game, using a system of quest-based and level-based unlocking that is very familiar to FFXI gamers. When the player meets the conditions that are set for the primary job, they can then flag and complete the requirements to unlock the new jobs listed below:

New Job / Original Job + Conditions
Paladin / Gladiator, Level 30 & Conjurer, Level 15.
Monk / Pugilist, Level 30 & Lancer, Level 15.
Warrior / Marauder, Level 30 & Gladiator, Level 15.
Dragoon / Lancer, Level 30 & Pugilist, Level 15.
Bard / Archer, Level 30 & Conjurer, Level 15.
White Mage / Conjurer, Level 30 & Gladiator, Level 15.
Black Mage / Thaumaturge, Level 30 & Pugilist, Level 15.

According to the official Patch Notes: "The system starts at level 30 and features a sequence of special quests available at certain levels that unlock systems, abilities, and job-specific equipment. The series of job quests do not involve extremely difficult tasks such as fighting primals. Rather, they are new game elements intended to boost character growth and motivate players."

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