Crystal Saga Caters to Players With a New Server

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Crystal Saga

R2 Games
Release Date:
Q4 2011

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Crystal Saga Caters to Players With a New Server

By: Jasmine Henry | Apr 10th 2012
Last month, we announced that Crystal Saga had finally been released and now, several weeks and a massively successful launch later, Gamedp, the game platform that Crystal Saga is hosted on, is designating another server to the game.

The launch of the new server is down to "[wanting to] meet the requirement of players" of the fantasy browser MMORPG "and satisfy their eagerness".

While new servers tend to improve the smoothness and performance of online games, which will most likely be the case with Crystal Saga and it's real time action too, this new server, titled 'Blood Axe Camping Ground' is actually being dedicated to PvE (Player versus Environment), ensuring that you'll get the best out of your chosen class - be it Mage, Paladin, Priest, Ranger or Rogue - as you take on the task of exploring and fighting your way through the landscape.

The new Crystal Saga server went live yesterday.

Click here to visit the official Crystal Saga website.

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