Recommended Champion List

Recommended Champion List

League of Legends Game Guide by MMO Fan
Alright, as with everything else, this is based on personal opinion. These are the champions that I feel are the easiest to master and offer some of the best utility. I have them split into tier lists, tier 1 is 450 and 1350 ip champions, tier 2 is 3150 ip champions and tier 3 is anything above.

Tier 1

What I suggest starting out with.
What I suggest starting out with.

- Jungle, Nunu. He has amazing clear speeds and can be built as a bruiser, ap carry or just go to bottom lane as support. He's an amazing and often overlooked champion. Warwick is pretty sub par but has an amazing runeless and low mastery jungle.

- Mage, Ryze. Yeah, you had to see this one coming. He's too strong for his price range and is easy to master. The alternate choice is of course Annie because she's a tide turner and amazingly powerful in the group fight phase.

- AD Carry, Sivir. She has amazing potential but is somewhat hard to master, the learning curve is slightly steep, but once you figure out how to use her spell shield (aka baiting) and when to pop her ultimate she's amazingly good. Tristana is a secondary choice because she's a free champion.

- Support, Alistar. He's very powerful, works as a mage and a late game initiator. The only thing you need to learn is properly clicking with headbutt to get an auto attack and the timing of pulverizing mid headbutt to knock them up without knocking the back. Alternatively Soraka, but she's a lot harder to play now that she no longer can restore her own mana.

- Solo Top, Singed, Cho'Gath or Tryndamere. It's a long list but they're all easy to master champions. Singed and Cho'gath are more of the tanky spectrum while Tryndamere is more group utility.

Tier 2

What I suggest as you advance.
What I suggest as you advance.

- Jungle, Udyr, he's the tried and true jungler of choice. He has two methods of jungling which can be adapted in any situation. Alternatively Olaf works with amazingly strong ganks and clear speeds.

- Mage, this is where I suggest buying the champion bundle. Otherwise Karthus or Lux are the best picks I can suggest. The champion bundle really offers the most bang for your buck for mages with high skill cap champions that have great returns.

- AD Carry, Corki, he's not the best AD carry in the game with a very high skill cap to master, but he can also jungle or solo top. Overall he's amazing and quick to learn, just takes a while to master.

- Support, Sona hands down. Even after her nerf she dominates early lane and offers too much group support to shun.

- Solo Top, Gangplank and Olaf, GP is part of the Champion Bundle and is a solid pick for top as a bulky or flat out offensive beast. Olaf can jungle but tends to dominate his lane early on and if you last hit efficiently he steamrolls.

Tier 3

What I suggest you purchase with RP.
What I suggest you purchase with RP.

- Jungle, Skarner or Maokai, these are both very viable jungle picks that tend to steer away from the wriggles standard and go for bulky budget items such as Aegis of the Legion. Lee sin if you want to build Wriggles.

- Mage, Cassiopeia and Vladimir are quick to learn mages with the highest return. Cassio is hard to counter but Vlad can be outpicked so purchase accordingly.

- AD Carry, Graves or Vayne. Two strongest Ranged ADs in the game in my opinion. Pick these guys up, master them then dominate. Simple as that.

- Support, there aren't any! Supposedly the next champion coming out is a support, and all new champions are automatically sent to the 6300/975 tier so I might update it then. Otherwise Orianna is supportive with her barrier and Leona is pseudo support.

- Solo Top, Riven and Shyvana are the easiest to learn and master and both are quite capable of jungling. These are my two general go to champions for a reason. Other than that, Yorick fits a specialty role but is typically used as an anti-mage pick.

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