Twisted Treeline

Twisted Treeline

League of Legends Game Guide by MMO Fan
Twisted Treeline

- Traits:

* Streamlined version of Summoner's Rift.
* Matches typically last 25 minutes in length at most.
* 3v3 map with two devoted lanes.

- Map Objectives:

* Lizard Elder, one on the map in the very center of the map. It's typically contested for at level 1.
* Dragon, his significance is that he provides the team with the crest of crushing wrath, which increases all damage dealt. He's in the cubby on top side jungle.
* Elder wolf camp, increases attack speed and cooldown reduction, shares a very random spawn with the elder wraith camp.
* Elder wraith camp, increases move speed by 30%, shares a very random spawn with the elder wolf camp, the two camps are on top side.

- Conditions for winning:

* Destroy the enemy Nexus.

- Structures Include:

* One outer and one inhibitor turret per lane.
* One inhibitor per lane.
* One Nexus Turret and one Nexus.
* The same general structure rules apply as in Summoner's Rift.

Twisted Treeline is fun, it further promotes the typical snowball way of playing LoL where you take an early advantage and ride it to your victory. For all intents and purposes you send a mage to bottom and a bruiser to top and have a tank jungle. Ranged AD is a viable choice for top or bottom lane, but CC reigns supreme in this game mode because winning a team fight can mean winning the game.

Essentially all three champions will go bottom and fight for control of the single bush. Don't face check it. Ever. That leads to first blood. If your enemies are fronting, which they usually are, pick a level 1 fight, if you win, take lizard elder, otherwise send two people there and try to keep the enemies pushed with your mage to take it. Much like with summoner's rift, red buff gives top lane an advantage.

I find it works best to have two dedicated laners and an off-laner which focuses on clearing jungle camps and counter jungling your opponent. A lot of times jungling in Twisted Treeline is sticking to your half of the jungle and not really bothering your opposing jungler outside of ganks. Having two champions in a single lane for extended periods of time is a severe disadvantage.

The Twisted Treeline Map
The Twisted Treeline Map

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