Summoner's Rift

Summoner's Rift

League of Legends Game Guide by MMO Fan
Summoner's Rift

- Traits:

* The original map.
* Matches can last up to an hour long, sometimes even longer.
* 5v5 Map with three devoted lanes.

- Map Objectives:

* Blue Buff, Red Buff. 5 Minute repop timer.
* Dragon, 190 Gold to entire team and experience. 6 minute repop timer.
* Baron Nashor, 300 gold and exp to team, every living team mate earns the Blessing of Baron Nashor. Repop timer is 7 minutes.

- Conditions for winning:

* Destroy the enemy Nexus.

- Structures include:

* Outer Turret, Inner Turret, Inhibitor Turret, Inhibitor in each lane.

* Two Nexus Turrets and one Nexus.

* One immune fountain turret that is untargetable and deals roughly 1,000 damage per second to enemy team mates on the summoning platform.

* Each turret is worth global gold and experience for the team that destroys it.

* Each enemy inhibitor destroyed makes your team spawn super minions until the inhibitor respawns, every time you destroy an inhibitor it permanently increases the stats of your allied minions.

* You need to down at least one inhibitor to damage the Nexus Turrets or the Nexus itself.

The entirity of the basics section was written revolving around Summoner's Rift so I don't think I need to go over a complete strategy approach. Things to do for all champions include;

* Assist with early map objectives, giving your jungler Blue or Red buff.

* Assist with big map objectives, if you're middle or bottom lane then you have no excuse as to why you didn't collapse on dragon. You don't typically take Baron early unless you win a team fight.

* Counter jungle, if you're winning your lane but not in a position to take turret, push your wave to their turret to force them to lose CS and steal an enemy jungle camp with priority given to buffs.

* Gank allied lanes that have overextending enemies, this is more of a job for Middle lane because they are the roaming lane, but if you're top and your jungler announced they want to gank mid, collapse for it. Bottom should be aware of fights drawn into bottom side river.

Essentially you farm and try to counter your enemy's farm without dying. You build big items and you win team fights, that's Summoner's Rift in a nut shell. This is the longest of all game modes, which is why some people get much more sore than others about losses.

Beautifully Rendered SR Map
Beautifully Rendered SR Map

In the above image;
- Yellow symbolizes jungle camps, black outlines are the major objectives.
- Green symbolizes all the brush (warning not all brush is that deformed)
- Blue symbolizes the blue side turrets.
- Purple symbolizes the purple side turrets.

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